Monday, November 16, 2015

My heart

Today I write to you dear ones about something close to my heart. I know its close to my heart because its close to Christ's heart too. I remember someone a few years ago was talking to me about missions and had asked me how old my husband and I were. When she was found out we were still under 30 year old
she said, "that makes sense, your still young wait til you get older." I didn't understand what my passion for missions and my age had anything to do with each other, at the time. And I was pondering on it again the other day and I still do not understand what they have anything to with each other. There is a lost world out there who doesn't know who Christ is. They need to know God. Period. Dot. End of story. Excitement for missions to reach out to the lost, the sick, and the hungry is important. God called us to missions. If you don't go across the world you are to be a missionary to your neighbor, your friend, the lady in front of you in the store. Go and make disciples of all nations. Not 'go if you feel like going and making disciples' or 'go when you think the time is right.' Jesus said GO! Please, dear ones, be willing to go and share the truth with someone today. Don't deny the one thing God really wants you to do. Share Jesus with someone today. Stand up for what you believe in. Who will tell them, if you don't?