Monday, November 16, 2015

My heart

Today I write to you dear ones about something close to my heart. I know its close to my heart because its close to Christ's heart too. I remember someone a few years ago was talking to me about missions and had asked me how old my husband and I were. When she was found out we were still under 30 year old
she said, "that makes sense, your still young wait til you get older." I didn't understand what my passion for missions and my age had anything to do with each other, at the time. And I was pondering on it again the other day and I still do not understand what they have anything to with each other. There is a lost world out there who doesn't know who Christ is. They need to know God. Period. Dot. End of story. Excitement for missions to reach out to the lost, the sick, and the hungry is important. God called us to missions. If you don't go across the world you are to be a missionary to your neighbor, your friend, the lady in front of you in the store. Go and make disciples of all nations. Not 'go if you feel like going and making disciples' or 'go when you think the time is right.' Jesus said GO! Please, dear ones, be willing to go and share the truth with someone today. Don't deny the one thing God really wants you to do. Share Jesus with someone today. Stand up for what you believe in. Who will tell them, if you don't?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The least of these

Hello friends, today I write to you about something I feel God placed on my heart to share with you. 

God asked us to care for people who are in need. He wants us to be show his servants heart to the world. Caring for others and helping those out in need is somethings we all need to practice. It is not hard to do either. See a need, meet a need. God asks us to help out widows, care for them in their time of need. Help them how ever they may need it. Being alone in the world without anyone to help care for them has to be hard.

God also asks us to feed the hungry, help those in trouble. When we help others we become a light to the world showing Christ in us to them. I love helping out at our church's food ministry we do. We are helping out others in need, showing them Jesus and praying with them if they have a need. Telling them God bless and just being there to talk to them. Showing them someone cares. But not only that, we are to help anyone with a need.

Jesus spoke in Matthew that when we help the hungry, homeless, sick, and those in prison that we are helping Him but when we refuse to help those in need we are refusing God. We are showing God's love by helping them. When we show the heart of Christ to anyone who needs it they will see Christ in you and want to know more about who God is. Remember to always help them. If we are not willing to lend a hand and help out those in need, we are not going and doing. We are not being the hands and feet of Christ.

Lastly I want to say to you my dears that God wants us to feed his sheep. What does this mean? God wants us to help them and show them the truth. We need to preach the word of God to everyone we know. When we have that willing heart to share God's truth to anyone and everyone we come in contact with, then we are being his hands and feet. We are showing with love and compassion to the lost the way and the truth and the light. Never forget to share His truth to everyone you meet, do it though meeting the need, then share the truth about our Father God. What better gift can you give someone then eternal life?