Sunday, September 20, 2015

Every knee will bow

Howdy you all, I hope this finds you all well. I been on a world wind of craziness with life. I am hoping to start blogging regularly though. I set reminders hahaha. Let me know what you think about the posts. Comment below on the blog. :)

Anyway I want to write something that is set heavy on my heart these last few months. We all need to be ready! The days are numbered til the Lord appears again.

Sure we don't know that last day we have here on earth. We don't know if we have tomorrow, 10 days or 50 years.  We are not guaranteed tomorrow. So why would you not live every day like its your last? For me, I know I sin and fell short of God's glory but there is grace!

Call on Jesus' name to ask Him to be your guide in life. Ask him to be the Lord of your life. If we go on living the we are and Christ comes tomorrow or if you died tomorrow, are you ready? Will you go heaven? I don't want to be left behind. I don't want to see my family or friends left behind. Hell is real. And it is a horrible place of suffering forever. I want to be where the party is with Jesus forever. With all the trouble in the world today that day of Christ's return is soon. Don't let time slip by you and miss the chance you are given today to come to know God as your savior.

I write this as a warning because I am scared not only for the nonbeliever but for those who believe in God. Check your heart and make sure there isn't anything that could be keeping you from God. Do you have some long lasting anger towards someone that you need to forgive? Or have you done something wrong that you need to ask forgiveness for? Do it, don't hesitate, go ask and let go of the sin. Ask God to forgive you, ask the person you offended to forgive you before its to late. Don't let something like this be the thing that holds you back from going to heaven. Christ already paid the price of your sin on the cross all you have to do is ask for forgiveness! Please I urge you to take that step in your faith today.

Final thought, its so easy to ask Christ to forgive your sins. Just talk to God like your talking to your best friend. Ask him to forgive you and ask Jesus to come live in your life and help you to make the right choices. Remember to follow after Christ means to turn from your old sins and habits and not to return to them. If you fall into that sin again its ok, we all make mistakes, ask God to forgive you and to help you not to do it again. Try to keep Christ first in your life. You can only have one master in life, if you love money more then Jesus then you need to get your priorities straight. Declare your freedom in Christ today share with someone the good news that you choose to walk in freedom.