I will be the first to tell you I am in no way perfect. The last several days has been harder on us in several ways. From sicknesses to sleep deprived and everything in between life and just get so busy! Know what I mean? Even on days I may not be feeling well I seem to find time to get on Facebook or text but am I in God's word enough? If there is one thing that I have learned over the last few years it is so simple and true....make time daily to be with the Lord. Do not be too busy to be in God's presence. 1 Samuel 3:10 says And the Lord came and stood, calling as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant hears.”
I want a heart like Samuel where I am willing to listen and be open to God's word whenever he is calling to to lend an ear. But you know he was also learning daily about who God was and learning to live his life for God. He wasn't half of the time in the word but he was in the word all the time. We need to make time for God. He should be our first priority of the day. Before anything else happens let God happen.
I have been trying to have more me time with God like before having kids. Its hard, I won;t lie. But a lot of the time I am listening to my word of God while getting the kid's breakfast ready or doing dishes and just listening to God's word while working. Have you ever heard that song in Snow White, 'Whistle While You Work'? I am telling you listening to my bible or worship songs while getting ready for my morning helps the morning go by faster because I am excited to get into God's presence. Now I am not saying this is for everyone. But if you are a busy body like me, this is a great way to still get God's word for the day instead of skipping out.
Maybe some of you are thinking I am so far from God to even get into his word and study about him. Or I am so far away from God to go back to church...friend it is not to late. 2 Chronicles 30:9 says For if you return to the Lord, your brothers and your children will find compassion with their captors and return to this land. For the Lord your God is gracious and merciful and will not turn away his face from you, if you return to him.” God is forgiving God come to him as you are. No work needed before hand. :)
Another food for thought for you, while I have your attention. I have began to see a change in my family now that we are eating at the dinner table more and more. We sit there talk about the day and what we have learned about God. This is a great way to just get involved again in your kid's spiritual walk with God. And I like to once in a while post the picture to social media of our family or of what we are eating with the hashtag #reclaimingthetable Why you may ask? Because it then gets people wondering what we are doing at the table. Lets all get involved int our kid's lives and learn more about them. Check out this link below of some conversation starters if you don't know where to start. I find google a great place to look up ideas.
In conclusion, I guess what I wanna say is, with all the social networks, texting, ect out there it is so important to remember to be in God's word daily and making sure your kids and family are in the word daily too. I am not saying networking is bad, but if you spend more time on it then praying to God or worshiping Him or reading the bible then yes we need to rethink how our time is spent. What I want my kids to say about me is that I taught them about God more then I was on my phone or computer. Proverbs 22:6 says Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. So turn on your favorite worship and praise music today while cleaning or your bible and just rock it out learning more about God.